Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Recently I was having a chat with one of my friends and she seemed to be so stressed and worried. Obviously been a close pal of hers I asked her what was wrong. She is a model or should I say struggling model in India trying to make it big in a country which has a huge population crisis and where almost every girl or guy for that matter sets out from home once they turn 18 to pursue their dream of becoming a super model or famous actress. Fame and Riches........Now people always say that money can't buy you happiness of course which goes on to the saying those people who say that don't know where to shop  :)

So coming back to my friend she kept saying "why can't I have happiness in my life? Why is god not helping me? Why is my life so terrible?"
To which I what exactly is happiness?

So I thought I'd talk about happiness in this post.

Everyone has a different perception about happiness. One must do what makes him or her happy. Never force yourself to do something just for the sake of it. Donald Trump is always asked the same question "so how does one become rich?" to which he answers "just do what you love the most and makes you happy"

2) Be happy. I know this is harder said than done but trust me if you put your mind to it, its simpler than most people think. Think happy thoughts, sing a little bit, surround yourself with positive, happy people. The last thing you want is people who are putting you down and discouraging you.

3) Stop pitying yourself. This world has no problems, only solutions. Theres no such thing as a disaster or a problem that can be solved. Find solutions, take a reliable person's advice if necessary. Once the problem is solved pat yourself on the back

4) Focus on what you have in life and not what you don't have. I'm not a religious person to go to any places of worship but I believe in God. I believe God exists everywhere and if you do good things for others and do things that are right to your conscience then you can never go wrong. I thank God everyday for the wonderful things I have in my life - my family, a great job, a cozy home etc. Even if you are poverty stricken try to find someway to thank the lord. You could thank him for giving you good health or just something as simple as eyesight. Trust me more than anything else this develops a sense of self and you feel more comfortable and confident with yourself.

5) Try to laugh. Share a joke, try to find humor in situations. This will give you a fantastic rush and you can start of your day feeling so jubilant.

6) Love yourself. Remember if you don't love and respect yourself no one else will. If you have low self esteem issues I find the most effective way is as soon as you wake up in the morning start the day by thinking about all your positive attributes. So even when you brush your teeth look in the mirror and forcefully think "wow I have beautiful eyes" or " I love my skin". You could start of with initial physical attributes and then later progress to personality, what others like most about you etc.

7) My final point is probably going to make most of you roll your eyes. Well I don't really care though cos this is tried and tested. The people that love you most in this world will always be your parents. You could be the worst kid in the world, you could be a failure in everything but the two people that will never judge or condemn you will be your parents. The reason I state this under the happiness section is because I feel that every day of your parents life they pray for you, bestow their blessings upon you. I think this is an integral part of ones happiness. My mom always tells me, the day your parents pass away is the day you have no one to sincerely pray for you and wish you well in everything. So be good to your parents. Love them unconditionally as they do you.

I will be discussing more about parental love and attitudes of the younger generation in my next blog.

Till then.........

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