Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What do happiness, sorrow and death all have in common?

Our ability to deal with it....................

After Miss India I was highly dissapointed and backstage amongst a lot of other finalists who didn't make it, all I could here were sobs, tears, anguish and I remember thinking to myself "I will not cry. Its only a competition"..........Even though I had the overwhelming feeling to burst out and cry I held it all in and got ready and went out for the final round with the biggest smile on my face which concealed my true feelings.

After a big competition or contest if one doesn't make it it is quite common to hear the mother of all cliches from the so called 'well wishers'. "Oh you should have made it" "You were the best, its totally rubbish" etc.........

It was during this time that I received an email from a dear friend. It is an email that has always been quite inspiring to me and that made me smile after listening to dumb clichés for weeks. The email was as follows:

I guess by now your Inbox is full of mails from friends quoting the familiar " You should've won / Next time " etc

Lets see If I can digress from the rhetoric.

I wanna share with you a definition of Success I recently came across.

Success  -  The progressive realization of a worthy Ideal.

I felt it had a profound meaning for me. You see as I grow and change I realize that it is not the trappings and glamor of the goal that is the real prize ... But the Pursuit of an Ideal ...... was the real purpose of why I was here.

So is Winning not important?
Of course it is... but so is Failure ... Because disregarding these minor setbacks... You are only defeated when you quit.
You see Success is Inevitable when you relentlessly pursue your Ideals.

So where has your pursuit brought you?
I asked myself this question ... who would have won the contest If I was the judge ... I don't say this to inflate your ego.
but most girls would have been stumped.

I want to irradiate the point ...
You are the ONLY girl that I have met IN MY ENTIRE LIFE ....that I have had an Intelligent Discourse with.

and you know what ... when we were having those conversations....  
You were the one talking most of the time.

I distinctly remember telling you to ... make your sentences short ... because my mind was flooded with the all the overwhelming points you had made...
I feel hesitant telling you this... but I think you should know... You have embodied many of my Ideals.

People who scale the summit of greatness fail much more than those who much rather stand behind the sidelines and watch.

This email was something different and not patronizing. Till today whenever I feel low or feel incapable of something i read this email and it makes me so much happier. I guess what people say is true.....sometimes you can influence peoples lives in the smallest ways possible but would never know it......